About the show :

Collage on vintage 1800's photo card​.

Impressive I know.

Thank YOU for taking an interest in The Too Fang Skinny Collage Wonderland. I know you're excited cause you scanned the lil' QR code to get here. It's pretty magical what I've been able to do in the field of collage, I'm sure you'll agree, just look around. Really spend some time with the work. Let it settle, breathe it all in. sit awhile with it. Enjoy it in Esso, OR buy a piece, take it home and enjoy it for the rest of your natural days, I find that's the best way (wink wink) then have it passed down through generations of your very own family. You'll be remembered fondly and stuff if you do. So, anyway...... if you have any questions about just how you go about purchasing something from the show, the answer is.......I take Venmo ( @toofangskinny ). or if you'd like to pay cash, we can make arrangements as to how we can get that going on. I'd be happy to meet you and personally hand you your new piece for your collection. if you'd like, though I can't imagine why, we can take a selfie for your social media account and everyone with think were super fancy. The choice is yours.

I really had fun doing the work for the exhibit, as always every piece was made with love, I know I know, it shows. Everything is done the "Old School Collage" way. Cut and Paste. The way that collage was intended to be done.

A little bit about me: I have been doing collage for a long long long time. Professionally since 1992 when I lived in New Orleans, before I moved to Phoenix, I'd shipped all my stuff out here and was living in a basement apt. for a friend with very little to entertain me, just a few old magazines and some paper and glue. I started doing collage. I like doing collage. It makes me happy. I want to be happy, therefore I do the things that make me happy. Collage is one of them.

I could go on, but I'm tired and you're probably on your way to your job or on a hot coffee date so I won't keep you, so let's recap.

1. I made all these collages.

2. You looked at them.

3. You should buy one

4. you'll be happy you did.

5. I will be happy you did.

6. I take Venmo or cash.

7. I'm sure you're thoroughly impressed

Have a bitch'in day